Reka uspomena / A River Runs Through It (1992)

Smeštena u zapadnu Montanu (SAD) priča prati dva sina prezbiterijanskog sveštenika- jednog tihog, povučenog (Šefer) i drugog buntovnog (Pit), njihovo odrastanje i sazrevanje u doba koje se grubo proteže kroz celu eru prohibicije.
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Nastala ispod olovke pisca, priča je podjednako živa i u kadrovima holivudskog veterana Roberta Redforda. Priča o odrastanju, sukobu sa sopstvenim i istorijskim okvirima, ustoličila je Pita i Šefera u ponajbolje glumce njihove generacije. Neponovljivim kolažom intenzivnih dramskih sekvenci i još intenzivnije fotografije prirode, Redford se posle „Običnih ljudi“ potvrdio kao dobar režiser. Ovo je njegov duboki naklon delimično autobiografskoj knjizi, verni odraz onoga što je Meklin zabeležio- sreću i tugu u njihovim najčistijim oblicima kakvi mogu postojati samo u trenutku i sećanju na trenutak. Priča o teretu koji moramo i onom koji želimo da nosimo. Ovaj film me progoni.
Najkraće: klasik...
Citat:  Na kraju, sve se spaja u jedno, i tuda reka protiče... I meni te vode ne daju mira.
Režija: Robert Redford, producenti: Džejk Eberts, Robert Redford, Patrik Karki, scenario: Ričard Fridenberg, po istoimenom romanu Normana Meklina, muzika: Mark Išam, uloge: Krejg Šefer, Bred Pit, Tom Skerit, Brenda Bletin, Emili Lojd,...


Set in western Montana (USA), the story follows two sons of a Presbyterian minister—one silent, studious (Sheffer) and the other rebellious (Pitt)—as they grow up and come of age in a time that roughly spans the Prohibition era.
In 100 words:
Written for the book, the story is equally vivid in the Redford`s shots. This historically subtle shaped family drama enthroned Pitt and Schaffer as the lead actors of their generation. Unique collage of intense dramatic sequences, and more intense nature photography, confirmed Redford as a skillful director. This is his deep bow to the partly autobiographical book, faithful reflection of MacLeans thoughts - happiness and sadness in their purest forms exist only in the moment  and a memory of that moment, there`s a burden we have to take and the one we willingly take. I am haunted by this movie.
In short: classic...
Quote: In the end all things merge into one, and a river runs through it.... I am haunted by waters.
Director: Robert Redford, producers: Jake Eberts, Robert Redford, Patrick Markey, based on the novel by Norman Maclean, script: Richard Friedenberg, music: Mark Isham, cast: Craige Shaffer, Bred Pitt, Tom Skerritt, Brenda Blethyn, Emily Lloyd,...

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Roki / Rocky (1976)

Bokser niskog ranga dobija priliku kakva se pruža jednom u životu- da uđe u ring sa prvakom sveta u teškoj kategoriji. Roki Balboa se neće boriti za novac, već za samopoštovanje i ljubav.

U 100 reči:

Njegove šanse su oduvek bile milion prema jedan, poručuje trejler. Ove reči stoje zamrznute u hladnom vazduhu Filadelfije, ispisane su na bilbordima i zidovima starih, sivih zgrada, prljavim trenerkama „italijanskog pastuva“, smrznutom mesu na kojem vežba. Jednostavan scenario predstavlja prave ljude, Staloneovo poistovećivanje sa likom u rangu je onog koje će šest godina kasnije doneti Ramba, Kontijeva muzika je unapred osuđena da postane himna, obične stepenice istorijska znamenitost Filadelfije, ljubavna priča Rokija Balboe i Adriane Pening romantičnija, jača i iskrenija od većine onih u „čistokrvnim“ ljubićima novije produkcije. A sve to pretočeno u samo jednu reč pretučenog, unakaženog Rokija Balboe- ADRIAN!!

Najkraće: klasik...

Režija: Džon Avildsen, producent: Robert Kartof, scenario: Silvester Stalone, , muzika: Bil Konti, uloge: Silvester Stalone, Talia Šajr, Bert jang, Karl Veders,...


A low rank boxer gets a once in a lifetime chance to fight the heavyweight champ. Rocky Balboa is going to fight not for the money, but for self-respect and love. 

In 100 words:

His whole life was a million to one shot, says the trailer. And these words stand frozen in the cold Philadelphia air, they are on the bilboards and gray buildings, filthy tracksuits of "Italian stallion", in the smell of his refrigerator-gym. A simple scenario brings real people, Stallone's identification with the character is in the range of latter Rambo, Conti`s music pre-destined to become the anthem, common stairs historic attraction, love story of Rocky and Adriana more romantic and more honest than most of the newer purebred “love” production. All this in just one word of beaten, disfigured Balboa- ADRIAN!!

In short: classic…

Director: John G. Avildsen, producer: Robert Chartoff, scenario: Sylvester Stallone, music: Bill Conti, cast: Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Burt Young, Carl Weathers,…

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Kazablanka / Casablanca (1942)

Drugi svetski rat. Viktor Laslo, jedan od vođa pokreta otpora u Evropi, dolazi sa svojom ženom Ilzom u Kazablanku kako bi odatle prebegli u SAD. Jedini koji može da im obezbedi garantna pisma za taj put je Rik Blejn, nekadašnji borac za slobodu, sada vlasnik noćnog kluba u Kazablanci, i mnogo pre toga, Ilzina ljubav života, čovek koga je ostavila bez objašnjenja nakon što su Nacisti okupirali Pariz. Nacisti, korumpirani policajci, trgovci ljudima, izbeglice, kockari, borba za slobodu, sve to sada stoji između Rika i Ilze.

U 100 reči:

Ilza: Sviraj, Sem. Za stara dobra vremena.

Rik: Sviraj!

Rik: On je kao i svaki drugi čovek, samo još više.

Štraser: Koje ste vi nacionalnosti? Rik: Ja sam pijanica. Kapetan Reno: To Rika čini građaninom sveta.

Rik: Reci mi sada. Razumno sam trezan.

Rik: U Kazablanku sam došao zbog vode. Kapetan Reno: Vode? Ali, mi smo u pustinji! Rik: Bio sam loše informisan.

Rik: Od svih birtija,..., ona je ušla u moju.

Rik: Here`s looking at you, kid.

Rik: Luj, mislim da je ovo početak divnog prijateljstva.


I tako je jednostavna priča pretvorena u najbolji scenario svih vremena.

Najkraće: klasik...

Režija: Majkl Kurtic, producent: Hal B.Volis, scenario: Džulijus Dž. Epštajn, Filip G. Epštajn, Hauard Koh, muzika: Maks Štajner, uloge: Hamfri Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, Pol Hajnrid, Klod Rejns, Duli Vilson,...


In World War 2 Casablanca Rick Blaine, former freedom fighter, runs popular night club.There he mets the love of his life, Ilsa Lund, and his husband Victor Laszlo, both heading to USA. The only one who can help them to get the letters of transit is Rick. Nazis, corrupt police officiers, refugees, gamblers, as well as fight for freedom, all that stands between former lovers and their still living feelings.

In 100 words:

Rick : He's just like any other man, only more so.

Ilsa: Play it once, Sam. For old times' sake.

Rick: Play it!

Strasser: What is your nationality? Rick: I'm a drunkard. Capetan Reno: That makes Rick citizen of the world.

Rick: Tell me now. I'm reasonably sober.

Rick: I'm the only cause I'm interested in.

Rick: Of all the gin joints, …she walks into mine.

Rick: Here's looking at you, kid.

Rick: Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

And that’s how the simple story turned into the greatest movie scenario ever.
The end.

In short: classic...

Director: Michael Curtiz, producer: Hal B. Wallis, scenario: Julius. J. Epstain,  Philip G. Epstein, Howard Koch, music: Max Steiner, cast: Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, Paul Henreid, Claud Rains, Dooly Wilson,...

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Tintin (2011)

Mladi novinar Tintin u potrazi za velikom pričom, uleće u veliku avanturu. U društvu prijatelja, Kapetana Hadoka, Tintin kreće u potragu za potopljenim brodom kojim je upravljao Hadokov predak. Oni nisu jedini koji tragaju za 400 godina starom olupinom, za petama im je opaki Red Rekam.

U 100 reči:

Bez obzira na socijalno-političke konotacije svog stripa, Erže se uvek držao esencije avanture. Spilberg nije razmišljao o nečemu drugom. Njegov Tintin je oslobođen satiričnih prizraka, strip gegova, ali je opet više od upeglane avanture. Utisak da je film bezrazložno uhvaćen u tampon zonu između stvarnih i digitalnih glumaca, brzo bledi. Malog Indijanu smo već videli u trećem nastavku franšize, pa bi “Tintin” u nedigitalnom svetu bio opravdano shvaćen kao "Indiana:Origins". Jedina razlika bi bila ta da on, za razliku od kolege, nije dobio ime po psu. Filmska avantura dostojna mašte čoveka iz vremena (polovina prošlog veka) kada je strip stvaran.

Najkraće: nadahnuti Spilberg... 

Režija: Stiven Spilberg, producent: Piter Džekson, scenario: Stiven Mofat, Edgar Vrajt, Džo Korniš, po stripu Eržea, muzika: Džon Vilijams, uloge: Džejmi Bel, Endi Serkis, Daniel Krejg, Nik Frost,… 


The young reporter Tintin looks for a great story, but flies into the great adventure. United with a friend, Captain Haddock, Tintin goes in search of sunken boat navigated by Haddock`s ancestor. They are not alone in their quest- nefarious Red Rackham is on their track.

 In 100 words:

Regardless of the social connotations of his comic, Herge always kept the essence of adventure. Spielberg didn’t think of anything else. However, his Tintin, free of satire, is more than a polished adventure. The impression the film is caught in the buffer zone between the real and digital actors, quickly fades. We`d already seen little Indiana in the third part of the franchise, so non-digital Tintin wouldn`t be more than “Indiana:Origins”. The only difference would be that he wasn`t named after his dog. “Tintin“ movie- adventure worthy of a man imagination in the 1930`s, when the comic was made.

In short: inspired Spielberg...

Director: Steven Spielberg, producer: Peter Jackson, screenplay: Steven Moffat, Edgar Wright, Joe Cornish, based on the comic books by Herge, music: John Williams, cast: Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis, Daniel Craig, Nick Frost, ...

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Šerlok Holms / Sherlock Holmes (2009)

Šerlok Holms se sukobljava sa lordom Blekvudom koji, čini se, želi da zavlada Londonom, a onda i svetom, služeći se magijom. Istina se, naravno, ne skriva u svetu magije i onostranih sila, a iza najnovijeg Šerlokovog protivnika ne stoji niko drugi do...

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Gaj Riči potvrđuje da nije zaboravio da snima dobre filmove, da se odmakao od „Dve čađave dvocevke“ (što „Rocknrollom“ nije učinio), a da je „Swept Away“ proizvod bračnog delirijuma. Robert Dauni Junior iz uloge ekscentričnog milijardera-super heroja  donosi najbitnije i to obogaćuje očiglednim uzorom u delu Džeremija Breta (ultimativnog Šerloka). Džad Lo (jednu od prvih uloga ostvario upravo u produkciji Šerloka Holmsa sa Bretom) odlično prikriva brojne uloge zavodnika i odvažno nosi brkove Votsona. Scenografija je na čvrstom tragu realnog, negativac kakav se očekuje- dostojan, jedino se Šerlokovi zaključci katkad brzaju na račun logičnog, a u cilju radnje. Samo katkad...

Najkraće: Šerlok se vratio...

Režija: Gaj Riči, scenario: Majkl Robert Džonson, Entoni Pekam i Sajmon Kinberg, producent: Brus Berman, muzika: Hans Cimer, uloge: Robert Dauni Jr., Džad Lo, Rejčel Mekadams, Mark Strong,...


Sherlock Holmes comes into conflict with Lord Blackwood, which, it seems, wants to rule the city of London, and then the world, using magic. The truth, of course, is not hidden in a world of magic and dark forces, and behind the actions of Sherlock`s opponent stands none other than...

In 100 words:

Guy Ritchie confirmes he didn`t forget to shoot movies, that he moved from "Snatch", and that "Swept Away" was product of marital delirium. Robert Downey Jr. brings the extract of an eccentric billionaire super-hero and enriches it with obvious Sherlock role model - Jeremy Brett (The Ultimate Sherlock). Jude Law (one of the first roles made just asside Sherlock Jeremy Holmes) conceals a great number of recent “seducer roles” and boldly wears Watson`s mustache. Set design is in hard line with the real, villain expected - worthy, only the Sherlock`s conclusions sometimes aren't well based. Only sometimes... So, bring on Moriarty!

In short: Sherlock is back...
Director; Guy Ritchie, scenario: Michael Robert Johnson, Anthony Peckham and Simon Kinberg, producer: Bruce Berman, music: Hans Zimmer, cast: Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law, Rachel McAdams, Marc Strong,...

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