Smeštena u zapadnu Montanu (SAD)
priča prati dva sina prezbiterijanskog sveštenika- jednog tihog, povučenog (Šefer) i
drugog buntovnog (Pit), njihovo odrastanje i sazrevanje u doba koje se grubo
proteže kroz celu eru prohibicije.
U 100 reči:
ispod olovke pisca, priča je podjednako živa i u kadrovima holivudskog veterana
Roberta Redforda. Priča o odrastanju, sukobu sa sopstvenim i istorijskim
okvirima, ustoličila je Pita i Šefera u ponajbolje glumce njihove generacije. Neponovljivim
kolažom intenzivnih dramskih sekvenci i još intenzivnije fotografije prirode, Redford
se posle „Običnih ljudi“ potvrdio kao dobar režiser. Ovo je njegov duboki naklon
delimično autobiografskoj knjizi, verni odraz onoga što je Meklin zabeležio-
sreću i tugu u njihovim najčistijim oblicima kakvi mogu postojati samo u trenutku
i sećanju na trenutak. Priča o teretu koji moramo i onom koji želimo da nosimo.
Ovaj film me progoni.
Najkraće: klasik...
Citat: Na kraju, sve se spaja u jedno, i tuda reka protiče... I meni te vode ne daju mira.
Robert Redford, producenti: Džejk Eberts, Robert Redford, Patrik Karki,
scenario: Ričard Fridenberg, po istoimenom romanu Normana Meklina, muzika: Mark Išam, uloge: Krejg Šefer, Bred Pit,
Tom Skerit, Brenda Bletin, Emili Lojd,...
Set in western Montana (USA), the story follows two sons of a Presbyterian minister—one silent, studious (Sheffer) and the
other rebellious (Pitt)—as they grow up and come of age in a time that roughly
spans the Prohibition era.
100 words:
Written for the book, the
story is equally vivid in the Redford`s shots. This historically subtle shaped family
drama enthroned Pitt and Schaffer
as the lead actors of their generation. Unique collage of intense dramatic
sequences, and more intense nature photography, confirmed Redford as a skillful director. This is his deep
bow to the partly autobiographical book, faithful reflection of MacLeans
thoughts - happiness and sadness in their purest
forms exist only in the moment and a memory of that
moment, there`s a burden we have
to take and the one we willingly take.
I am haunted by this movie.
In short: classic...
Quote: In the end all things merge into one, and a river runs through it.... I am haunted by waters.
Robert Redford, producers: Jake Eberts, Robert Redford, Patrick Markey, based on the novel by Norman Maclean, script: Richard Friedenberg, music: Mark
Isham, cast: Craige Shaffer, Bred Pitt, Tom Skerritt, Brenda Blethyn, Emily Lloyd,...