Tintin (2011)

Mladi novinar Tintin u potrazi za velikom pričom, uleće u veliku avanturu. U društvu prijatelja, Kapetana Hadoka, Tintin kreće u potragu za potopljenim brodom kojim je upravljao Hadokov predak. Oni nisu jedini koji tragaju za 400 godina starom olupinom, za petama im je opaki Red Rekam.

U 100 reči:

Bez obzira na socijalno-političke konotacije svog stripa, Erže se uvek držao esencije avanture. Spilberg nije razmišljao o nečemu drugom. Njegov Tintin je oslobođen satiričnih prizraka, strip gegova, ali je opet više od upeglane avanture. Utisak da je film bezrazložno uhvaćen u tampon zonu između stvarnih i digitalnih glumaca, brzo bledi. Malog Indijanu smo već videli u trećem nastavku franšize, pa bi “Tintin” u nedigitalnom svetu bio opravdano shvaćen kao "Indiana:Origins". Jedina razlika bi bila ta da on, za razliku od kolege, nije dobio ime po psu. Filmska avantura dostojna mašte čoveka iz vremena (polovina prošlog veka) kada je strip stvaran.

Najkraće: nadahnuti Spilberg... 

Režija: Stiven Spilberg, producent: Piter Džekson, scenario: Stiven Mofat, Edgar Vrajt, Džo Korniš, po stripu Eržea, muzika: Džon Vilijams, uloge: Džejmi Bel, Endi Serkis, Daniel Krejg, Nik Frost,… 


The young reporter Tintin looks for a great story, but flies into the great adventure. United with a friend, Captain Haddock, Tintin goes in search of sunken boat navigated by Haddock`s ancestor. They are not alone in their quest- nefarious Red Rackham is on their track.

 In 100 words:

Regardless of the social connotations of his comic, Herge always kept the essence of adventure. Spielberg didn’t think of anything else. However, his Tintin, free of satire, is more than a polished adventure. The impression the film is caught in the buffer zone between the real and digital actors, quickly fades. We`d already seen little Indiana in the third part of the franchise, so non-digital Tintin wouldn`t be more than “Indiana:Origins”. The only difference would be that he wasn`t named after his dog. “Tintin“ movie- adventure worthy of a man imagination in the 1930`s, when the comic was made.

In short: inspired Spielberg...

Director: Steven Spielberg, producer: Peter Jackson, screenplay: Steven Moffat, Edgar Wright, Joe Cornish, based on the comic books by Herge, music: John Williams, cast: Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis, Daniel Craig, Nick Frost, ...

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Šerlok Holms / Sherlock Holmes (2009)

Šerlok Holms se sukobljava sa lordom Blekvudom koji, čini se, želi da zavlada Londonom, a onda i svetom, služeći se magijom. Istina se, naravno, ne skriva u svetu magije i onostranih sila, a iza najnovijeg Šerlokovog protivnika ne stoji niko drugi do...

U 100 reči:

Gaj Riči potvrđuje da nije zaboravio da snima dobre filmove, da se odmakao od „Dve čađave dvocevke“ (što „Rocknrollom“ nije učinio), a da je „Swept Away“ proizvod bračnog delirijuma. Robert Dauni Junior iz uloge ekscentričnog milijardera-super heroja  donosi najbitnije i to obogaćuje očiglednim uzorom u delu Džeremija Breta (ultimativnog Šerloka). Džad Lo (jednu od prvih uloga ostvario upravo u produkciji Šerloka Holmsa sa Bretom) odlično prikriva brojne uloge zavodnika i odvažno nosi brkove Votsona. Scenografija je na čvrstom tragu realnog, negativac kakav se očekuje- dostojan, jedino se Šerlokovi zaključci katkad brzaju na račun logičnog, a u cilju radnje. Samo katkad...

Najkraće: Šerlok se vratio...

Režija: Gaj Riči, scenario: Majkl Robert Džonson, Entoni Pekam i Sajmon Kinberg, producent: Brus Berman, muzika: Hans Cimer, uloge: Robert Dauni Jr., Džad Lo, Rejčel Mekadams, Mark Strong,...


Sherlock Holmes comes into conflict with Lord Blackwood, which, it seems, wants to rule the city of London, and then the world, using magic. The truth, of course, is not hidden in a world of magic and dark forces, and behind the actions of Sherlock`s opponent stands none other than...

In 100 words:

Guy Ritchie confirmes he didn`t forget to shoot movies, that he moved from "Snatch", and that "Swept Away" was product of marital delirium. Robert Downey Jr. brings the extract of an eccentric billionaire super-hero and enriches it with obvious Sherlock role model - Jeremy Brett (The Ultimate Sherlock). Jude Law (one of the first roles made just asside Sherlock Jeremy Holmes) conceals a great number of recent “seducer roles” and boldly wears Watson`s mustache. Set design is in hard line with the real, villain expected - worthy, only the Sherlock`s conclusions sometimes aren't well based. Only sometimes... So, bring on Moriarty!

In short: Sherlock is back...
Director; Guy Ritchie, scenario: Michael Robert Johnson, Anthony Peckham and Simon Kinberg, producer: Bruce Berman, music: Hans Zimmer, cast: Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law, Rachel McAdams, Marc Strong,...

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Rat svetova / The War of the Worlds (1953)

Nedaleko od malog grada u Kaliforniji pada meteor i sa sobom donosi osvajače iz svemira. Isti događaj ponavlja se širom planete, a nedugo zatim sve vojske sveta primorane su da se suprotstave mnogo naprednijem oružju tuđinaca. U trenutku kada se činilo da je došao kraj civilizacije, spas čovečanstvu dolazi iz najmanje očekivanog mesta- sveta mikroorganizama.

U 100 reči:

Zašto je „Rat svetova“ klasik? Zato što je izdržao test vremena i poređenje sa Spilbergovom verzijom. Zato što se producent Džordž Pal već bio izbrusio i dokazao „Destinacijom Mesec“ i „Kada se svetovi sudare“. Zato što je ambiciozno zamišljen, dobro realizovan, pa je i pored nedosledne karakterizacije i nedorečenih religioznih tačaka,  i nekih u studiju odrađenih postkataklizmičnih scena, vešto skrojena priča o jednom od mogućih „sudnjih dana“. Zato što zvuk vanzemaljskog oružja koje dezintegriše Zemljane i danas izaziva jezu. Zato što je scenario u službi knjige, pa poentiranje priče nije podređeno minutima koje zvezda(e) filma mora(ju) da provedu u akciji.

Najkraće: klasik...

Režija: Bajron Haskin, scenario: Bare Lindon, po knjizi „Rat svetova“ (H. Dž. Vels), producent: Džordž Pal, muzika: Lejt Stivens, uloge: Džin Beri, An Robinson, Les Tremejn, Robert Korntvejt, ...


Not far from a small town in California, falling meteor brings invaders from outer space. The same event is repeated across the globe, and soon after all the armies of the world are forced to confront much more advanced weapons of strangers. At a time when it seemed that the end of civilization had come, the salvation of mankind comes from the least expected place- the world of microorganisms.

In 100 words:

Why is it a classic? Because it stood the test of time and comparison with Spielberg`s version. Because the producer George Pal was already honed in "Destination Moon" and "When Worlds Collide". Because it is ambitious, well-realized, and despite of inconsistent characterization and pale religious points, as well as post-apocalyptic scenes done in studio, skillfully tailored story of the possible "judgement day". Because the sound of alien weapons disintegrate Earthlings still cause chills. Because the script follows the important moments in the book, and scores right on time, not subjected to the star(s) and time they had to spend acting.

In short: classic...

Director: Bayron Haskin, scenario: Barre Lyndon, based on book „The War of the Worlds“ by H.G.Wells, producer: George Pal, music: Leith Stevens, cast: Gene Barry, Ann Robinson, Les Tremayne, Robert Cornthwaite, ...


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Doktor Živago/ Doctor Zhivago (1965)

Zasnovan na Nobelovom nagradom nagrađenom romanu Borisa Pasternaka, „Doktor Živago“ pokriva period pre, za vreme i posle Ruske revolucije. Priča prati pesnika i lekara Jurija Živaga (Omar Šarif), njegovu porodicu, suprugu i ljubav njegovog života Laru (Džuli Kristi).

U 100 reči:

Privatni život ne postoji, ubila ga je istorija, kaže jedan od protagonista „Doktora Živaga“. Sam Lin ovu misao stavlja na jednu od uporišnih tačaka svog veličanstvenog ostvarenja. Tanka linija ličnog i istorijskog, slatkih delića romanse i krvavih, metalnih krhotina rata, prati naraciju vibrirajući u ritmu balalajke. Do samog kraja Lin, Šarif i Žar se utrkuju ko će epopeji dati više svog ličnog pečata, nijednog trenutka ne zaboravljajući svoje retko moćno savezništvo. Jedan od filmova za koje možete reći da svoj kvalitet duguju snazi literarnog predloška, istovremeno jedan od onih za koje, na koncu, morate priznati da imaju nešto samo svoje.

Najkraće: klasik...

Režija: Dejvid Lin, scenario: Robert Bolt, po romanu „Doktor Živago“ Borisa Pasternaka, producent: Karlo Ponti, muzika: Moris Žar, uloge: Omar Šarif, Džuli Kristi, Džeraldina Čaplin, Rod Stajger, Alek Ginis, Tom Kortni, ...

* * *

Based on the Nobel Prize-winning novel by Boris Pasternak, “Doctor Zhivago” covers the years prior to, during, and after the Russian Revolution. Story follows the life of a poet and doctor Yuri Zhivago (Omar Sharif), his family, wife and love of his life Lara (Julie Christie).

In 100 words:

Personal life doesn`t exist, history killed it, said one of the protagonists of "Doctor Zhivago". Lean puts this thought at the foundations of his magnificent achievement. The thin line of personal and historical, sweet romance and bloody pieces of war, follows the story in the vibrating rhythm of balalaika. Till the end, Lin, Sharif and Jarre compete to put their personal mark to this epic tale, but not putting aside their powerful alliance. One of the movies that owes its power to the literary theme, you can say. One of those who have something just their own, you must admit.

In short: classic...

Director: David Lean, screenplay: Robert Bolt, based on the novel "Doctor Zhivago" by Boris Pasternak, producer: Carlo Ponti, music: Maurice Jarre, cast: Omar Sharif, Julie Christie, Geraldine Chaplin, Rod Steiger, Alec Guinness, Tom Courtenay. ..

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Super 8 (2011)

U leto 1979. godine, grupa prijatelja u gradiću u Ohaju snima film o zombijima na Super 8 kameri. U sred snimanja prisustvuju katastrofalnoj železničkoj nesreći. Uskoro otkrivaju da se ne radi o nesrećnom slučaju. Ljudi počinju da nestaju, neobjašnjivi događaji nižu se jedan za drugim. Istina je sakrivena od svih žitelja gradića Lilian, i nije sa Zemlje...

U 100 reči:

E.T. se vratio, gladan, i to u Abramsovom „Super 8“ bliskom susretu treće vrste! „E.T.“, „Bliski susreti“ i „Gunisi“ u paketu. „Pravim filmove kakve sam nekada voleo da gledam“, rekao je Spilberg. J.J. prećutno snima upravo takve. Svi klišei su tu (provincija, srednja klasa, razorene porodice, prošlost kao spona likova, omaži pop-kulturi), ali zbog njih „Super 8“ jeste ono što je trebalo da bude- emotivan. U Abramsovoj „kutiji misterije“ ostao je zaturen samo rasplet oslobođen klišea. Da je drugačije, provocirao bi nostalgiju i bio predodređen da postane deo nje. Poklon starijim generacijama, mlađim dokaz da letnjeg blokbastera ima bez superheroja.

Najkraće: potencijalni klasik...

Režija: J.J. Abrams, scenario: J.J. Abrams, producent: S. Spilberg, muzika: Majkl Đakino, uloge: Kajl Čendler, El Fening, Noa Emerih, …

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In the summer of 1979, a group of friends in a small town in Ohio is filming a zombie movie on the Super 8 camera. In the midst of the shooting they witness a dreadful train crash. Soon they discover that it is not an accident. People start to disappear, inexplicable events line up one after the other. The truth is hidden from all residents of the town of Lilian, and it is not from the Earth ...

In 100 words:

E.T. returned, hungry, in Abrams`s "Super 8" close encounter of the third kind! Package of "E.T.", "Close Encounters" and "The Goonies". "I make movies as I liked to watch" said Spielberg. J.J. implicitly captures just such. All the cliches are there (province, the middle class, devastated families, the past as a families’ link, a homage to pop culture), but for them "Super 8" is emotional. In Abrams`s "mystery box" remained just cliche-free conclusion. Otherwise, it would provoke nostalgia and be destined to become part of it. Gift to older generation, for the younger proof there is summer blockbuster without superheroes.

In short: classic to be...

Director: J.J. Abrams, scenario: J.J. Abrams, producer: S. Spielberg, music: Michael Giacchino, cast: Kyle Chandler, Elle Fanning, Noah Emmerich, ...

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