Šerlok Holms / Sherlock Holmes (2009)

Šerlok Holms se sukobljava sa lordom Blekvudom koji, čini se, želi da zavlada Londonom, a onda i svetom, služeći se magijom. Istina se, naravno, ne skriva u svetu magije i onostranih sila, a iza najnovijeg Šerlokovog protivnika ne stoji niko drugi do...

U 100 reči:

Gaj Riči potvrđuje da nije zaboravio da snima dobre filmove, da se odmakao od „Dve čađave dvocevke“ (što „Rocknrollom“ nije učinio), a da je „Swept Away“ proizvod bračnog delirijuma. Robert Dauni Junior iz uloge ekscentričnog milijardera-super heroja  donosi najbitnije i to obogaćuje očiglednim uzorom u delu Džeremija Breta (ultimativnog Šerloka). Džad Lo (jednu od prvih uloga ostvario upravo u produkciji Šerloka Holmsa sa Bretom) odlično prikriva brojne uloge zavodnika i odvažno nosi brkove Votsona. Scenografija je na čvrstom tragu realnog, negativac kakav se očekuje- dostojan, jedino se Šerlokovi zaključci katkad brzaju na račun logičnog, a u cilju radnje. Samo katkad...

Najkraće: Šerlok se vratio...

Režija: Gaj Riči, scenario: Majkl Robert Džonson, Entoni Pekam i Sajmon Kinberg, producent: Brus Berman, muzika: Hans Cimer, uloge: Robert Dauni Jr., Džad Lo, Rejčel Mekadams, Mark Strong,...


Sherlock Holmes comes into conflict with Lord Blackwood, which, it seems, wants to rule the city of London, and then the world, using magic. The truth, of course, is not hidden in a world of magic and dark forces, and behind the actions of Sherlock`s opponent stands none other than...

In 100 words:

Guy Ritchie confirmes he didn`t forget to shoot movies, that he moved from "Snatch", and that "Swept Away" was product of marital delirium. Robert Downey Jr. brings the extract of an eccentric billionaire super-hero and enriches it with obvious Sherlock role model - Jeremy Brett (The Ultimate Sherlock). Jude Law (one of the first roles made just asside Sherlock Jeremy Holmes) conceals a great number of recent “seducer roles” and boldly wears Watson`s mustache. Set design is in hard line with the real, villain expected - worthy, only the Sherlock`s conclusions sometimes aren't well based. Only sometimes... So, bring on Moriarty!

In short: Sherlock is back...
Director; Guy Ritchie, scenario: Michael Robert Johnson, Anthony Peckham and Simon Kinberg, producer: Bruce Berman, music: Hans Zimmer, cast: Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law, Rachel McAdams, Marc Strong,...

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